About 200 Online Jadar Home Pages Now...• Takes time to load!• Three columns; narrow scrollable display; Click underlined link to open the site • Sites are roughly alphabetical ... but sites may be added at the end |
adelaideinstitute.org |
age-of-treason.blogspot.co.uk |
http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.co.uk |
http://www.american3rdposition.com |
http://www.americanfreepress.net |
http://www.antimatrix.org [Online books and information; including Russian] |
http://www.antiwhitemedia.com |
http://www.antizionistleague.com |
http://www.aryan-nation.org |
http://www.ascertainthetruth.com |
http://www.atajew.com Kemal 'Ataturk' a Jew? |
http://www.avotaynu.com Avotaynu.com Jewish surnames (consolidated from several phonetic lists) |
http://blog.balder.org |
http://www.barnesreview.org |
https://www.big-lies.org |
http://www.birminghamnationalist2.blogspot.co.uk |
http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/blacksandjews-com Blacks and Jews and slavery |
http://www.bollyn.com |
http://www.brasschecktv.com |
http://www.canadianfreespeech.com |
http://www.carolynyeager.com |
http://www.christogenea.org |
http://cigpapers.wordpress.com |
http://cj303addict.wordpress.com/ [Greek? American?] |
http://www.codoh.com |
http://www.cofcc.org |
http://www.come-and-hear.com [Come-and-Hear™ is Carol Valentine's very detailed comment on the Talmud and the way Jews apply it to the USA] |
http://www.counter-currents.com [Wide range of mostly 20th century authors, orators and topics, including Jews and race, from Europe and USA] |
http://www.creativityalliance.com |
http://www.criminalstate.com |
http://crushzion.k0nsl.org Blog on Jews and their activities, with archives. May be run by Romanians) |
http://dailystormer.com Probably genuine |
http://www.davidduke.com |
http://thedespicableones.blogspot.pt |
http://www.destroyzionism.com |
http://www.diggerfortruth.wordpress.com |
http://www.elderthe1st.wordpress.com [ElderofZyklon: Wide-ranging news based comments on Jews] |
elliotlakenews.wordpress.com Long-established Canadian site; may be slowing. Good accurate articles. Wordpress format |
http://endzog.wordpress.com/ |
http://www.ericwalberg.com |
http://www.europeanknightsproject.com [European Knights Project; Euro-wide immigrant facts; whites worldwide] |
http://www.eutimes.net |
http://www.expeltheparasite.com |
http://www.fatherfeeney.org |
http://www.fpp.co.uk |
http://www.frumheretic.blogspot.co.uk [Frum Heretic] |
http://www.gaschamberhoax.com GasChamberHoax [Mainly videos counteracting Jewish lies] |
http://www.grizzom.blogspot.com |
http://hardons-blog.blogspot.co.uk John Hardon's blog. RIP |
http://www.helpfreetheearth.com |
http://www.thegreateststorynevertold.tv Hitler: the Greatest Story Never told |
http://hofflandia.wordpress.com |
http://www.holocaustdenialvideos.com |
http://www.holocausthoaxmuseum.com [Online Holocaust Hoax Museum. Fairly new] |
http://www.iamthewitness.com |
http://www.ihr.org |
http://www.imranhosein.org |
http://www.incogman.net |
http://www.inconvenienthistory.com |
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info |
http://intellihub.com Uncensored news ideas |
http://www.intmensorg.info |
http://outsideradio.blogspot.ie |
http://www.israelitewatchmen.com |
http://www.israelshamir.net |
http://whatdoyoubelieve.blog.fc2.com [Japanese Jew revisionism by Akira] |
http://www.jiyuushikan.org [Japanese war revisionism] |
http://www.jbcampbellextremismonline.com |
http://semiticcontroversies.blogspot.co.uk Jesus, Jews, history |
http://www.jewornotjew.com Jew or Not Jew? Type a name, and see the verdict! |
http://www.jewishproblem.com |
http://www.jewsworldorder.blogspot.co.uk |
http://www.jewwatch.com [Frank Weltner] |
http://www.john-friend.net [Same as therealistreport.com) |
http://www.justice4germans.com Justice 4 Germans |
http://www.kevinmacdonald.net |
http://www.libertyroundtable.com |
http://mantra.awardspace.us |
http://www.louisbeam.com |
http://www.majorityrights.com [European race survival discussions. Jew-aware] |
http://www.markdankof.com |
http://www.maskofzion.com |
http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Main_Page |
http://www.michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com |
http://www.mikepiperreport.com |
http://www.mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com |
http://nationalistasatrunews.com [European Nationalist site] |
http://www.natvan.com |
http://newobserveronline.com Good news site |
http://www.newsnet14.com |
http://www.nodisinfo.com |
http://www.northerntruthseeker.blogspot.co.uk |
http://www.nsm88.org |
http://www.nuke-lies.org |
https://www.facebook.com/openbordersforisrael Open Borders for Israel (facebook satire) |
http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com |
http://politicalandsciencerhymes.blogspot.co.uk/ |
http://www.cwporter.com Carlos Whitlock Porter Holocost made in USSR/ Russia |
http://www.whitewraithe.wordpress.com Whitewraithe |
http://www.presstv.com |
http://www.prothink.org |
http://www.prothink.tv |
http://library.flawlesslogic.com [Racial and nationalist documents] |
http://www.radicalpress.com [Canadian] |
http://www.radioislam.org |
http://www.realjewnews.com |
http://www.reasonradionetwork.com |
http://www.redwatch.org |
http://www.jailingopinions.com [Lady Renouf] |
http://www.renegadetribune.com |
http://www.republicbroadcasting.org |
http://www.Resist.com |
http://www.revisionisthistory.org |
http://www.revisionistreview.blogspot.com |
http://www.roytov.com |
http://www.rt.com [Jewish run, however] |
http://www.rys2sense.com |
http://www.SaveWhitePeople.com |
http://www.septemberclues.info |
http://www.shoah.org.uk |
http://www.solargeneral.com |
http://www.spingola.com |
http://www.stormfront.org |
http://www.subvertednation.net |
http://www.texemarrs.com |
http://the-tap.blogspot.co.uk |
http://www.theflameuk.com |
http://www.theendofzion.com Includes William Pierce. Nuke naive |
http://www.theforbiddentruth.net |
http://www.theinfounderground.com |
http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net |
http://www.therebel.org Australian and with German |
http://www.theuglytruth.wordpress.com |
http://www.thezog.wordpress.com |
http://thuleanperspective.com |
http://topconservativenews.com Anti-white violence and Jewish news suppression |
http://www.totalfascism.com |
http://www.truthisahatecrime.blogspot.com |
http://www.trutube.tv |
http://truthhertzradio.weebly.com |
http://www.truthmilitia.com/ |
http://uklockdown.blogspot.co.uk UK lockdown - ?abandoned 2010? |
http://unityofnobility.com |
http://www.usslibertyveterans.org |
http://www.vidrebel.wordpress.com |
http://www.vnnforum.com |
http://chechar.wordpress.com The West's Darkest Hour Whites are committing assisted suicide. Includes German hatred for Anglo-US callous stupidity and weak link in whiteness |
http://www.whitecivilrights.com |
http://thewhitenetwork.com |
http://www.whiterabbitradio.net |
http://www.whiteresister.com |
http://www.wideeyecinema.com |
http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.co.uk [Detailed Jewish lies from newsprint etc. Started 2010 |
http://www.xryshaygh.com [Greek Golden Dawn] |
http://www.zioncrimefactory.com |
http://www.zundelsite.org |
http://www.911blogger.com |
http://www.911missinglinks.com |
http://www.911truth.org |
http://www.ifamericansknew.org/ [Alison Weir; Israel, Palestine, Middle East, USA] |
** Following were added on to the end later; they are out of sequence for the present **
http://www.jewise.wordpress.com Jewise. Online textbooks. 'Informing .. about the lying global Jew mafia') |
http://www.darkmoon.me (Anglo-American classicist in England. Online anonymously. John Scott Montecristo decides content) |
http://www.leofrank.org/ [Mary Phagan murdered by Leo Frank. 1913 case. There are many single-issue online sites: Forrestal. And Lindbergh, but Note: added 17 July 2017: see Miles Mathis on Lindbergh ...] |
http://www.johndenugent.com/ (John de Nugent; largely Jews in the USA, US politics, US corruption) |
http://frissekijk.info (Dutch language site which translates material from all over the Net) |
http://truthjihad.com [US corruption, Jews, Muslims, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and links. But nuke naive] |
http://www.wideawakegentile.wordpress.com (Started 2013; Jewish frauds, Jewish acts; includes China, India) |
http://www.abundanthope.net (Odd mixture of strange Christian-based material with Jewish stuff) |
http://www.holocaustianity.com [Post-1945 Germans: What happened to Germans, both within Germany and outside] |
http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.ca (Canadian blog. General news comments with Jew influence) |
https://truthernews.wordpress.com (Truther.org David Chase Taylor. Conspiracies, some with Jews, but unsourced) |
http://www.jinfo.org [Reality of Jewish Achievement, including Nobel Prizes] |
http://www.holocaustrevisionism.com (Detail and links on Jews and the Holohoax) |
http://www.holodomorinfo.com (Jewish mass murder in Europe and Ukraine by 'Bolsheviks' after First World War) |
http://shadowmasterminds.wordpress.com/ [Shadow Masterminds. Jews and Their Hate and Religion, and Corruption of Religions] |
http://www.katana17.wordpress.com (French site; from 2012. Blog is about providing information on how White societies are being deliberately destroyed by organized jewry.) |
http://www.faem.com (John Frenz, Orion = Our Race and Our Nation. Anti-ZOG) |
http://www.thewhitevoice.com (Races, race mixing, Jews. Invlucdes blogs and podcasts) |
http://lordkalki.wordpress.com [Mostly 2012, Bolsheviks, Jews, anti-white media lies] |
http://firstlightforum.wordpress.com [Jews inc. their use of pseudoscience such as UFOs] |
http://peterquiggins.wordpress.com/ (Peter Quiggins' Liverpool-based site. Jews and race divisions worldwide) |
http://londonbdsgroup.com [Mostly 2012, Bolsheviks, Jews, anti-white media lies] |
http://www.blindlight.org [Jews inc. WW2 and other USA influence. Not nuke aware?] |
http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.co.uk (National Socialism: ideas, history, truth, relevance to the present day) |
http://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ [List of online sites and sources of evidence on the faked deaths]] |
http://www.johnlonden.com [John Londen: varied site on Jews, races, race mixing, genocide, understanding the situation] |
http://airstrip4.blogspot.co.uk [Britain, and Jewish influence including corrupt MPs, immigration, unreported crime, anti-white activity] |
http://joecanuck.wix.com/justice4chinese [Justice for China; starting with the Rothschilds and opium wars] |
http://www.albiontribune.com [New UK site, like Occidental Observer from the US. Seems to have staff or affiliated writers. European focus, not just UK] |
Quds-day.com (Palestine versus Israel) |
http://occidentaldissent.com/ [Seems to be southern USA with Australian following and Scots, Irish] |
http://www.judeofascism.com [JudeoFascism. Russian Revolution and Jews, in particular. Use of 'fascsim' suggests it may be a Russian site) |
http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com [Starting from Jewish money frauds, this site expanded into most aspects of Jews, including wars, Ukraine, US politicians.] |
http://joecanuck.wix.com/justice4chinese [Justice for China; starting with the Rothschilds and opium wars] |
http://www.albiontribune.com [New UK site, like Occidental Observer from the US. Seems to have staff or affiliated writers. European focus, not just UK] |
Quds-day.com (Palestine versus Israel) |
http://www.antichristconspiracy.com" [Biblical and Jewish material, and original documents online, but with little explanatory material] |
http://traitor666.blogspot.co.uk [British-based overview blog with links to many other sites] |
http://www.northwestnationalists.blogspot.co.uk [Started 2006. Includes Martin Webster's 'Electronic Loose Cannon' newsletter. And party politics, Muslim child sex scandals, etc] |
http://www.revisionists.com [Short site apparently c.2000, just on Second World War and so-called 'Holocaust'] |
nwioqeqkdf blogspot [Appears British site on TV, media, books, films etc with Jew-aware criticisms] |
https://communismblog.wordpress.com/ [Recent blog listing Jewish mass murders, murders, largely eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia, with historical documentation] |
http://theforemostproblem.blogspot.co.uk [Problems of Jewish Cultural Hegemony] |
National Socialist Worldview (Hadding on issues, history, ideas. With links) |
http://www.bpp.org.uk [Rather old format with hard-to-find but interesting miscellany] |
http://www.saveyourheritage.com [Detailed historical Material on Jews, Talmud, Khazars, expulsions etc] |
National Vanguard [Founded by William Pierce. Lots of material including Jews, race and opposition to Christianity] |
http://www.rehmat1.com [Bahrain Muslim who looks at e.g. Jewish lies, Holodomor, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Bengal famine, Palestine..] |
http://dailybalenews.com [Newspaper format UK site started 2013 by Joshua Bonehill-Paine] |
Henry Makow [Pulls punches e.g. re Holohoax but is somewhat Jew aware] |
WW2 Real Holocaust [(8 blog sites by SoldierofYah inc Biblical and Exposing the Holocaust Archive/Hellstorm, 9/11 Jewish/Mossad, Combatting Jewish genocide of whites, Truth Seeker Archive)] |
http://wintersonnenwende.com [Germany: other side to World War 2 in multiple languages] |
Masters of deception [9/11 and Neocons, Zionists, Jews in the US regime, and wars. Mostly single topic] |
Globalfire [Recent News and largely WW2 History and Jews (half the site is German)] |
http://www.furtherglory.wordpress.com [Germany, Poland etc. 'Holocaust' and Concentration Camps News and Analysis] |
A Light on Campus [Bradley Smith of CODOH on jewish censorship in US universities] |
Ironwand Blogspot [I am an Englishman, who has written on crime, Jews etc ] |
http://www.mothman777.wordpress.com [Mostly derivative: Jewish crimes. Doubtful science.] |
https://morbusignorantia.wordpress.com/ [German-language site mostly on Germany under Jews] |