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Rae West, 27 June 2021:– I put Feeney's 1950s articles on my site because of their anti-Jewish interest, and for something like safe keeping. As far as I know 1952-1959 spanned his complete output of The Point.
Feeney seems to have been excommunicated, probably because of Jews winning WW2. He was fairly outspoken on Jews, but did not have great depth, saying little (for example) about the recent huge death-rate during WW2. He seems to have understood nothing about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was adamant, but on little evidence, that Roman Catholics and Jews had invariably been opposed to each other. He seems to have been permanently trapped by vague ideas such as 'natural law' and 'revealed truth' and 'salvation' and priests as unquestioned leaders of their flocks. And 'the Bible' as 'inerrant'. He thought Protestants and Jews showed genuine religious feeling, and were better than irreligious people. It's even possible Feeney was 'controlled opposition', secretly encouraged by jewish money. These articles are worded exactly as appeared in crashrecovery.org (but I haven't checked they are correctly reproduced). His work is a sort of impressively negative masterpiece on how not to convince people, though Feeney probably did not see through the propaganda applied to him when young. Here is his list of aims (but Feeney does not include money for the Church!): ... a new Christendom. Such a society would not be a carbon copy of what once existed—indeed, it could not be—but it would be a new embodiment of the same Catholic ideals. Included among those ideals would be the following: There would be a moral and functional union of the civil society with the ecclesiastical (“union of Church and State”); a system of civil laws that rejects legal positivism and embraces both the natural and the revealed law of God as the foundation of social governance; a hierarchy of the sciences that recognizes the importance of philosophy, especially metaphysics, over the empirical sciences, while respecting what is valid in emerging sciences; a “consecration” of the arts to the sacred and the beautiful, rather than the immoral and the ugly; an economic system that is subjected to the moral law and is therefore anti-usurious and pro-family; a recognition of Theology as “Queen of the Sciences,” while also respecting Biblical inerrancy as a bulwark against fake science. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but I would be remiss if I did not include in it the vigorous reassertion of the necessity of the Church for salvation. The text of these articles is unchanged. - RW |
Edited Under Fr. Leonard Feeney M.I.C.M. — Saint Benedict Center
“Essential to the understanding of our chaotic times is the knowledge that the Jewish race constitutes a united anti-Christian bloc within Christian society, and is working for the overthrow of that society by every means at its disposal.” — April 1958.1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959
In Memory Of William Thomas Walsh — Who Tried To Warn Us (About The Jews) Before It Was Too Late (March)
Some Summaries After Seven Years — Jews, Masons, Communists Etc. (February)
Should Hate Be Outlawed? (January)
The Protection Of Christmas (December)
The Jews And The Saints — What Our Canonized Catholics Are Lately Suffering (November)
Catholics, The Bible, And The Jews (October)
How The Jews Invaded The Holy Land (September)
He Fought Our Enemies And Kept The Faith — (Belloc) (August)
The Problem Of Monsignor Ronald Knox (July)
Anti-Christians In Capital Letters — (Jewish Organizations) (June)
Monsignor Ellis In Wonderland (May)
Newspapers And The New York Times — (Jewish Media Control) (April)
On Making The United States Catholic — Reasons For Our Failure (March)
Soldiers Of The Church Militant — Our Canonized Saints At War (With The Jews) (January-February)
The Price Of Christmas In Mexico — Freemasons (December)
Six Pointers On The Jews (November)
The Jewish Lie About Brotherhood — The Catholic Answer — Israeli Brotherhood (October)
An Unholy People In The Holy Land — The Actions Of The Jews (September)
A Sure Defence Against The Jews — What Our Catholic Bishops Can Do For Us (August)
The Judaising Of Christians By Jews — Tactics Of The Church’s Leading Enemies (July)
The Rejected People Of Holy Scripture — Why The Jews Fear The Bible (June)
Our Lady Of Fatima Warned Us (About Jewish Communists) (May)
The Fight For The Holy City — Efforts Of The Jews To Control Jerusalem (April)
Dublin’s Briscoe (Jewish Lord Mayor) Comes To Boston (March)
When Everyone Was Catholic — The Courage Of The Faith (Regarding The Jews) In The Thirteenth Century (February)
Jewish Invasion Of Our Country — Our Culture Under Siege (January)
The Enemies Of Christ At Christmas (December)
The Jewish Plan To Destroy Christianity — The Real Purpose Of Interfaith (November)
The Church Militant And The Jews — Some Front-Line Reports (Through The Centuries) (October)
Another Challenge To Jews And Masons (September)
Some Jews In Gentile Clothing (August)
Christmas In July (Jews Against Christmas) (July)
The War Between The Bible And The Jews (June)
Masons, Jews, And Catholic Schools (May)
The Story Of God And The Jews: Nineteen Hundred Years Of Rejection (April)
Foreign Allegiance Of American Jews (March)
Profiles Of Two White Jews (Jews All The Same) (February)
The Jewish Gangs Of Boston (Jewish Domination) (January)
Some Needed Information About The Jews (Jewish Domination, Jewish Destruction Of Christian Sites, Etc.) (December)
Pointers; American Power And Catholic Freedom, Etc. (November)
Recent Protest In The Streets Of Boston — Christian Defense Of The Blessed Sacrament (Against The Jews) (October)
Catholic Power And The Plots Of The Jews (September)
Some Needed Information About The Jews (Jewish Media Control, Etc.) (August)
Should Hate Be Outlawed? (July)
The Plans Of The Jews For World Control (UN) (June)
The Jews And Their New University (In Boston) (May)
The Holy Land And The Jews (Jewish Destruction Of Christian Shrines) (April)
More News About Jews And Others — Some Current Threats To Our Faith And Country (March)
The Catholic Church And The Jews — Traditional Policy Toward The Haters Of Christ (February)
World Government By The Jews (UN) (January)
The Buyers And Sellers (Jews) At Christmas; The Present Position Of Cardinal Newman (Jew), Etc. (December)
The Secret (Jewish) Strength Of Communism (November)
Uncle Sam And Anti-Semitism; The Monkeys And The Jews, Etc. (October)
In Search Of A Catholic Education; The Catholic Church And Jewish Converts (Marranos) (September)
American Gentiles And The Jews; Masonic Inroads In Italy, Etc. (August)
In Shepherds’ Clothing; The Menace Of Magazines, Etc. (July)
Recent Halo In The Vatican (Pope St. Pius X); A Reply To Lady Abrahams (A Jewish "Convert"), Etc. (June)
Signs Of Spring In Boston (American Catholics), Etc. (May)
Pointers (Brotherhood, Jews, Masons, Communists Etc.) (April)
The Gospel According To John Bull (English Protestantism); Brotherhood And Motherhood (Masonic-Jewish Internationalism), Etc. (March)
The Hammer Of Freemasons, Etc. (February)
Glory To God In The Manger; Pointers; Virgin Mother; The Native — A Tract In One Act, Etc. (December)
Lambs Without Shepherds; Catholic Mexico And Catholic Canada, Etc. (November)
The Masons And The Jews; The Newman Clubs, Etc. (October)
What Happened In Chicago (SBC Brothers Jailed) (September)
New Versions And Perversions Of The Bible; The Finalys And Baptism Betrayed, Etc. (August)
More Statistics And Less Faith; There Are Only Eleven Million (Jews) (July)
Our Thirty-Third Degree Enemies; Calling All Protestants! Etc. (June)
The Overseers Of American Theology; Dear Catholic Priests Of America, Etc. (May)
Frauds: Pious And Otherwise; The Priest, The Minister, And The Rabbi, Etc. (April)
The Oracle At Adelphi; The Anti-Semitism Of The Jews, Etc. (March)
An Open Letter To President Eisenhower; Pointers; American Catholics And Ex-Protestants, Etc. (February)
The Interfaith Of Our Fathers; The Starving Children Of America, Etc. (January)
The American Christmas Story; Pointers; Dim Lights On A Christmas Tree, Etc. (December)
The Church Militant And The Church Dilettante; The New Society Of Jesus, Etc. (November)
The Apostle Of Invincible Ignorance, Etc. (October)
Portrait Of A Pious Fraud; Our Vanishing Seminarians, Etc. (September)
How To Win Friends And Influential People; Saints For The New York Times, Etc. (August)
Thoughts To Add To A Harvard Commencement, Etc. (July)
The Threat Of A National Church; The Christophers — Change The World To What? Etc. (March)
The Center Of Interest In Cambridge (SBC); Saint Agnes, Etc. (February)