More "faked" Hiroshima photographs from the US Strategic Bombing Survey on the Emuseum site.
Building 15
Ruins of Chugoku Electric Company, Transformer Repair Station, Hiroshima]
Date: October 25, 1945
Stated cause of structural damage...Blast

Above image shows Pages 184 and 185 from the report. Page 184 gives a completely false report of the damage but not in the way you may at first think. Bear in mind the following as it is important:
1) THERE IS NO STEELWORK IN THE BUILDING!The photo has been faked. The steel trusses, stanchions, beams etc have been drawn in by an artist.
Next we have Pages 186 and 187. Page 186 shows two external shots of the building. Page 187 contains a plan and section of the building which is the "faker" artist's story board.

Next an analysis of the internal photograph of the large bay (PHOTO 1) in Autocad. The anomalies in the steelwork vanishing points (green lines) clearly indicate the steelwork is "faked". I can also use the two measurements taken to establish by ratio the correct height of the truss ridge line in the external photos..

Above we have the analysis drawing of the external view (PHOTO 2) with all of the perspective construction lines shown, and the correct profiles of the four trusses added using the height ratio extracted from the measurements in PHOTO 1.

In the image above I have removed the construction lines and parts of the truss profiles hidden by the walls.
CorrectionThe annotation in the bottom right hand corner of the photo above should read:
"Where are the trusses shown on the small bay in PHOTO 3"

The next image (PHOTO 3) shows another external view from the south west on which I've pointed out further anomalies. The dark areas at the bottom of the cylindrical transformer components suggest they are from another photo and have been pasted in.
There are several other instances in the Emuseum photos where "fake" steelwork has been added by the Allied propagandists. You may ask "WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY WISH TO DO THIS?"
If you think about it the answer is obvious.
They wished to give the impression that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were relatively undamaged before they allegedly dropped the fake nuke. I am suggesting this was not the case and.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had already been "Tokyoed" with conventional bombs and fire bombs months before. When they sent in the photo team to provide "fake" evidence for the "fake" A bomb blast they found, to their dismay that the steelwork in the bombed out buildings had been removed months before by the Japanese for reuse in their armament industry. Steel was in short supply as Japan had become a country under seige. This is entirely credible as the same thing happened in Britain during the Blitz.
If the Allies provided photos showing no trace of roof steelwork then people would notice and start asking awkward questions so they added it in. Many of the Hiroshima & Nagasaki photos were taken within a month or so of the surrender and the fact that they show a lot of "tidying up", road clearance, trams and trains running etc suggests that the devastation happened well before the 3rd/6th of August.
Also they didn't drop warning leaflets before, or as they say they did, afterwards. It would have drawn the attention of people in and around Nagasaki and Hiroshima to what they knew could NOT have happened. I believe the Japanese Gov. was in contact, through the Swedes? with Stalin et al and they wanted to surrender months before. I seem to recall "cactusneedle?" stating the allies imposed a 12 month clampdown on all news coming out of Japan after the surrender.
The Japanese elite were secretly given the choice of supporting the A Bomb hoax and continuing in power or facing a Japanese "Nuremburg Trial".