wants GM despite the risks
We have warned
on many occasions previously how successive governments are in the
pockets of the globalist bio-tech corporations. It's encouraging,
therefore , to see Gordon Brown and the Government given a blunt
warming about their support for genetically-modified (GM) crops
and food by no less a person than the head of the Government's own
countryside and wildlife agency.
In a recent
letter to The Independent newspaper, Sir Martin Doughty, the chairman
of Natural England, is quoted as warning against: "rushing
headlong to embrace GM crops as the solution to rising food prices".
Sir Martin added that they can cause harm to wildlife, and there
is little evidence that the present generation of biotechnology
crops will help in reconciling surging global food demand with protecting
the environment. His letter comes as a timely response to the Government's
reopening of the GM debate earlier this month, with ministers from
Mr Brown down indicating that the time has come for Britain and
Europe to relax GM restrictions in the face of the new concern about
world food supplies and prices.
It was Natural
England's predecessor, English Nature, which initially voiced concerns
over the damage the available suite of GM crops, many specifically
engineered to be tolerant of powerful weed killing chemicals, could
do to wildlife on British farmland. That concern led to the official
farm-scale evaluations of GM beet, oilseed rape and maize, which
reported in 2003 that the weed killers used with the first two were
far more damaging to wildlife than conventional herbicides. Indeed,
the GM maize regime was found to be less damaging, although the
conventional weed killer it was compared to, atrazine, was itself
so harmful it was later banned in the EU.
English Nature's
insistence upon trials has neither pleased the Government nor the
Government's friends in the bio-tech industry, hoping to profit
immensely from this questionable technology.
Sir Martin further
warned: "We need to be mindful of the lessons of the past before
rushing headlong to embrace GM crops as the solution to rising food
prices. The evidence of field-based trials on GM crops previously
proposed for commercial release in England demonstrates that they
can have a detrimental indirect impact on farmland biodiversity."
Natural England's
own policy document, Biotechnology in the Natural Environment, will
be put before its board for approval on Wednesday. It says: "Because
GM can be used to develop organisms with radically different properties,
we are particularly concerned about potential impacts on biodiversity
that could be caused by changes in crop, tree or animal husbandry."
Government determination
to pollute the environment with GM products follows on from a huge
reduction in farmland wildlife in the past 30 years due to the intensification
of agriculture.