News Team ⋅ August 8, 2008
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A tuberculosis scare in an East Midlands hospital has once again highlighted the fact that the rise in drug-resistant tuberculosis cases in the UK is linked to immigration.
Hundreds of patients at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital, including people with cancer, have to be screened for TB after coming into contact with an immigrant worker with the disease.
A total of 458 patients and 69 members of staff who were in the haematology ward at the hospital's Heart and Lung Centre at the beginning of last week will receive letters informing them they may be at risk.
It will cost the hospital £30,000 to run the screening programme which will see samples sent to a specialist laboratory in Birmingham. It will be six or seven weeks before all results are known.
A report issued by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in May this year found that the rise in drug-resistant tuberculosis cases in the UK has been linked to immigration. In addition, the HPA found, the failure of these immigrants to properly follow the medical treatment courses has led to even more drug-resistant strains of TB than ever before.
The incidence of TB in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is rising, with more than 8,000 cases reported in 2006. Outside London there was a significant increase in drug-resistant TB, according to a recent report in the British Medical Journal.
The research team suggested this reflects the increasing number of patients with TB who are not born in the UK. Further research showed an increase in the number of cases in people from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent.
In London, the rise in TB drug resistant cases has been linked to an ongoing outbreak from 1999 that has involved more than 300 occurrences to date. The outbreak has been linked with imprisonment and drug abuse.
TB remains common in the Third World. It causes more deaths world-wide than any other infectious disease - about three million a year.
Spread of the disease in the Third World has been blamed on poor nutrition, poor housing and poor general health. In particular, many people infected with HIV are also vulnerable to TB.
In America, TB occurs most commonly among African Americans. Other minorities are also at higher risk. Currently about two-thirds of all TB cases in the United States affect African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and people from the Pacific Islands. Another one-fourth of cases in the United States affect people born outside the country.
This was always going to happen, I hate it when people say that people in Britain are hypocrites when they move away to live in spain etc and become immigrants themselves, but what these lefty idiots dont realise is that when we leave our country to stay in another one we are tested for these diseases before we leave and are given vaccines. However these immigrants just come over carrying god knows what and pass it on to our own countrymen.
Just a case of poetic justice: one TB helped along by the other TB, and now we have TB helped along by GB (and I don't mean Great Britain)–simple really.
This is just what we have now come to expect - third world illnesses from a rapidly growing third world population. I could not help but compare what Canada has in place regarding immigrants wanting coming to live in their country when they have health problems.
When I went to Australia a few years ago, my records were checked out first to see that I was of good character, and on arrival , before disembarking at Adelaide airport, we were all sprayed with some kind of insecticide which I believe was to kill any fruit flies that may have been on the plane. Although most of us had been travelling for about 29 hours (with a five hour break) nobody complained and we all thought of it as ‘a bit of a laugh'! Can you imagine if they were to do the same here? How the lefties would have a field day about the ‘poor immigrants' coming here! Yet even with something as dangerous as TB they still won't do the right thing to protect us Brits. This government are absolutely appalling in everything they touch. Once again the Aussies come out on top.
This is truly a crime against humanity. To let into Britain an illness that is so contagious. One that we had wiped out. You see the powers that be in their headlong dash to worship Marx, cannot bring themselves to stop this lunacy. Why? because it would show up their lunacy in worshipping Marxism.So we innocents suffer at the alter of lunatics.
My kids were both born in hospitals in West London, and doctors advised us to bring them in for BCG vaccinations as soon as they were strong enough due to the risk of contracting TB from our guests in the enlightened community of Southall.
Most kids in the local primary school have had their BCG shots, those who haven't tend to come from countries such as Somalia and India.
Once again, we are subsidising immigrants, on this occasion by subjecting our kids to the risks associated with vaccinations. You will notice that MMR vaccination take-up rates are significantly lower in the enriched boroughs of Lambeth (54%) and Lewisham (56%) than they are in the predominantly native North East (85%).
Immigrants certainly do appear to resemble the Four Horsemen - War in the form of terrorist outrages, Disease as highlighted in this article. Famine would appear to be a consequence of the increasing costs of food, and Conquest. In the Book of Revelations, the horseman riding the white horse of conquest carries a bow with no arrows and wears a crown, symbolising a non-violent rise to power. I think that examples of ‘moderate' enrichers subverting the system to suit their Conquistadorial ambitions are legion.
So what ? the Globalists need to get rid of borders which hinder trade and profits, and flood the west with mass immigration to drive up profits by driving down wages. If a few hundred or a few thousand or a few tens of thousands die as a result of diseases, civil strife and unrest, so what. That's simply another excuse for more police powers.
The globalists can get slave labour for a few pounds per day in Africa, China etc, they want the same here.
Pack em in like sardines, let em squabble for work, undercutting each other to increase our profits then work and tax em to death, when they are too old, force them to sell off their assets then get rid asap.
Best regards
The Global Elite.
I thought all immigrants from countries prone to TB and other such diseases had to be in quarantine and tested for said diseases before they were allowed into the general population?
This would not be a discriminative process or racist as some lefties would have you believe but a sensible way of protecting our countrymen.
…… That's not how the government see it. Don't forget, they swapped commonsense for Common Purpose. -Ed
Yes, even if you were to contract TB, the odds are that you wouldn't be allowed the drugs to combat it. - ” Not cost effective old chap, just go away and die will you … I have an African refugee waiting outside who needs treatment for HIV. We can't pay for everything you know, and, after all, these poor people need these treatments more than you - unless you can afford to go private of course, but then again if you did we would have to deny the NHS treatment we weren't going to allow you in the first place, so, next please, please show in Mrs Alabomba - I have provided a translator”.
Anybody seeking to live in the USA must as a first step undergo a medical examination conducted by an American clinic/hospital at their own expense. Other checks follow on from this. Standards of just about everything are so lax and poor in GB that this infection (and others) was just about inevitable, as others have said. There will be worse to come, if that can be imagined, under this govt. Britons are conditioned to put up with things that elsewhere would provoke public outrage and government action. It is great to hear of BNP membership/support rising, but sad to see our people suffering in so many ways as a direct outcome of government policy in immigration as in most other areas of life. It's even sadder to see people still voting liblabcon, watching Eastenders and reading the Sun. Wake up, Britons, and stop the downward slide of the country by supporting the BNP.
If I ever get TB, I will sue the government for allowing me to contract a disease that was wiped out on these isles before they allowed unchecked immigration.
There must be something in law that states breach of trust or negligence of responsiblility.
We cannot expect Labour to do anything, as they have done nothing since getting elected. Now with Labour disintegrating their only interest is “How on Earth can we Recover”?
They are too thick to realise that tuberculosis can even kill them!
When the government does not have the BRAINS to look after themselves, never mind the Indigenous Britons, we have a problem.
Back in the 50's my parents went to work for a while in “Northern Rhodesia”.
Before they were allowed to leave the UK to travel there they had to show that they were free of TB (by presenting a recent clear chest X-ray)in order to protect the Africans from what, at that time, was serious endemic disease in the UK!
How times change eh!
All TB patients should be housed in the homes of MP's, they would soon stop immigration then. If it doesn't affect them they do not care.
Obvious to see why we need a British National Party government, heading that way fast, thankfully.
Any immmigrant, and his family, to Australia have to pass very strict health checks. Paid for by the immigrant not the state. If it works for them, why not here ? Could it be that there is a devilish plot by Zanulablibcon to get rid of ALL the natives. Force them out, and the ones that will not leave :- kill them off with no jobs or homes, by crime & disease. Well! it seems that way at the moment in time. As, currently, the traitorous bunch are doing a pretty effective job.
My mother-in-law, before she sadly passed away in 1997, said the more immigrants we let into this country, the more diseased it will get. How very true her words were. God Bless her.
Convicted burglar offered a place at Manchester University to study medicine. It goes without saying that he's an enricher who appealed against an earlier decision by the university to reject his application on the grounds of his criminal record.
Give me a ******* break. He has proven himself to be a thief and an invader of people's homes. It doesn't matter if it is just one offence, the fact is he's a thief. My understanding of the Qu-rap was that thieves were scum who had to have bits and pieces lopped off, not sent to medical school.
In addition to his checkered past, did IQs just drop sharply at Manchester University? I seem to recall an incident at Glasgow airport not long ago where some enriching imbeciles tried to blow up the terminal. Their legitimate profession? Doctors.
This young man should be deported back to Islamabad to study there, not given an education here that is subsidised by the people he stole from.
TB Jihad? I mean if it's incurable, what the heck. Laboratory Results Jihad? Incorrect lab results from pregnancy tests to tests for HIV and cancer etc. could cause untold worry and suffering? What are the odds that it's a lab run by white Brits in Birmingham? Not very high, I would assume. And trying to cure the disease has the effect of creating even more antibiotic-resistant strains. Talk about Orwellian Nuspeak. Surely Health Protection Agency should read Disease Production Agency.
I have witnessed this probem escalating for several years now. As nothing will be done to counteract immigrants bringing TB and a host of other diseases into our homeland until the British National Party achieves Parliamentary power, I protect myself and my family the best way I can under these circumstances. It's not perfect, but better than nothing:
I recommend you take similar action, as ALL ITEMS handled by “staff” can be a source of infection: 1) Wipe all tinned goods including drinks containers with a good desinfectant before storing in the kitchen. Dettol is efficient and cheap. When out for the day or at work, take all your own food and drink with you. 2) Soak all potatoes, vegetables including salad ingredients in a solution of permangenate (cheap, from the chemist) for about 20 minutes. (1/2 teaspoon in a bowl of water - it will not affect the taste). 3) Never, never eat ready-made sandwiches, take-away food, burgers, KFC, cakes, or anything that is “handled” during production.
I bake my own bread and cakes and thoroughly cook any meat products. I mince my own beef (after a 20 minute “soak”.
Chocolate and sweets are OK, as they are processed and packed by machines. (I hope - but with some things one has to take a calculated risk).
This may all seem to be OTT and time consuming, but it becomes a habit. A small price to pay for avoiding drug-resistant strains of diseases.
Even where “staff” wear hair covering and latex gloves, a sneeze or caugh can do a lot of damage.
I'm not mad, just careful.
Heavens above! The PC brigade won't like that little gem - “The research team suggested this reflects the increasing number of patients with TB who are not born in the UK.” Oh dear oh dear, I hope the researchers washed their mouths out with (anti-septic) soap and water after making such a racist remark! We all know its true of course, but what's that got do with it?
Dear Ed., Yesterday evening, sometime before 8pm., I posted under this heading. I drew a comparison between Victorian Britain and contemporary Britain under the Regime, with the growing gulf between the hugely rich and the desperately poor (come winter, see this gulf widen even further), and the return of that most Victorian of killer diseases, tuberculosis. That post was not published. It was the second of my posts not to be published yesterday. I wonder why? Sincerely, Askari.
I have had posts disappear into the ether, Askari. You are a most valued contributor; please re-post - Ed
Yes, and what about the filthy habit some of these people have of spitting in the street, where I live you have to watch where you walk as it's dodge the dogs mess and spit time. You only have to pick up some of this spit on your shoe and unknowingly transport it indoors and if it does carry TB Bob's your Uncle and Fanny's your Aunt. Just imagine having a young child crawling about on the floor with that soaked into the carpet, it doesn't bare thinking about.
Voting for Labour can seriously damage your health!
Taking up on Askari's post, I have tried to comment on this story three times now and every time my post has disappeared. Usually you see your post come up pending moderation. Is there something happening? Is the site under attack?
Please re-post, midenglander. Some comments seemingly don't appear and all are subject to moderation. Please be aware that we publish as many as we can, and that ‘Ed's decisions are final. Thanks. - Ed
I recently had a work-related visit to India and I had a few jabs. I found out that anybody who is entering India from a region where yellow fever is endemic must have appropriate vaccinations otherwise he/she does not get off the plane. This is sensible so why does our establishment allow open-doors for disease? It's policy: clear, deliberate and treasonable. I amquite sure that documentation must exist which proves beyond doubt that NuLab prevents action being taken to prevent entry of transmissible disease into the UK. Now, if Ebola had a longer incubation period……?
My son recently had a call-in from his college, to go for a TB test as someone in his form had the disease. After two trips to the hospital (couldnt be done locally or at GP's, not even for results) he was fortunately clear of any infection. This should not have occurred in the first place. Obviously I was angry at this having happened.