News Team ⋅ August 8, 2008
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A debate over burial costs in Derby City Council has revealed the council pays a £1,100 towards the £1,400 cost of providing a concrete-lined vault used in Muslim burials in the city.
The vaults are a preference for the Muslim community to use in burials and replace a previous system which used to line graves with bricks.
The authority says it has been paying the remaining £1,100 and had decided that it could no longer subsidise the Muslim funerals. The rise had been due for approval at the last cabinet meeting but a decision has been deferred following criticism that “Muslims had not been asked for their views.”
Although the concrete-lined vaults are not a religious requirement, they have been used in Derby to replace a tradition of lining Muslim graves with bricks.
The council said that for some time cremations had subsidised the more expensive burials. They added that since religious traditions mean Muslims can only be buried, and the grave requires a concrete lining, the extra cost should not be put on other communities.
Derby Councillor Fareed Hussain and former chairman of the Pakistani Community Association, said the council had made assumptions and had not spoken to Muslims.
“It is the way the council on this occasion appear to have gone about this that has got the Muslim community angry.
“These proposals have never been discussed, although it means an increase of £1,100 a time, they wanted to raise the cost immediately and they said they would want to consult with the community afterward.”
This is shocking news. Council tax payers are subsidizing funerals for Muslims. Are we not paying too much already without this extra burden? Ask for payment for a white funeral and you will get short shrift. More lunacy from the PC brigade. These people are digging their own graves.(sorry for the pun)
Councillor Fareed Hussain and former chairman of the Pakistani Community Association, said the council had made assumptions and had not spoken to Muslims. 'It is the way the council on this occasion appear to have gone about this that has got the Muslim community angry”
Well I never, an angry muslim!
'It is the way the council on this occasion appear to have gone about this that has got the Muslim community angry.”
When are they not angry? I'm surprised they haven't been up in arms - literally - about having the FULL cost met, as they consider themselves to be so special.
The British taxpayer is being forced to pay for its own demise. Thank God they're finally waking up.
Since WWII cremation has been promoted (interestingly enough by the liberal-lefty gang) over burial because of the demands it makes on land. What's the betting there's no such promotion by the liberal-lefties when it comes to Muslim funeral practices?
you would win your bet, if any takers could be found - Ed
Personally I don't like cremation because I feel it is in a sense a destruction of the past - and don't the liberal-left just love to destroy the past?
Muslims burying their people in our country lays claim to our country - yet we cremate our dead so as not to make demands on the land.
Meanwhile -
“The owner of Southfield, Mr Pammi Sohanpaul, could not be contacted last night.”
Still voting for the eu/liblabcon/islamist traitor party?
My mother has just paid my father's funeral bill of around £3000. She is a pensioner, worked all her life and never asked for a penny in benefits. Someone advised her to claim for bereavement benefit for help with the funeral costs, so she duly filled in the form and took it down to the local council office. The response as she handed in the form was pretty straightforward; “Oh, you won't get anything for this, you're not on any other benefits.”
My grandparents worked all their lives in a part of the country that is now riddled with Muslims and of course, defined as underprivileged–the same houses and amenities as when the indigenous people lived there, but Muslims need more don't they and without putting anything in?
My grandparents' CREMATION costs were met in full by their children. Creeping Muslim appeasement has to end. Think and support/vote for the BNP
A perfect story for a localised BNP leaflet. Votes galore can be reaped from it.
I would like to know how widespread this subsidisation is,what other councils are doing it?
So we pay for them to blow us up and then pay again to bury the suicidal bomber. Crazy Crazy. Here down in London land is of a premium and cremation is mostly the only option. Unless of course you hail from a different culture. Then it seems land for burial becomes available. So apart from wanting our land in general. , they also require our sacred burial sites. It just gets worse every day.
Spend the £1100 on sending the body back to the Islamic hell-hole from whence it came, should be enough left over to ship a family member out as well. Regrettably, there probably won't be sufficient funds for the return trip.
I also forgot to say if the BNP was to tell these immigrants that cremation was their only option. I wonder if they would stay?
If this cost was for a repatriation to some distant desert, I could just about accept it. It wouldn't be completely right, but it would be perhaps the best out of several poor options.
However, instead of being a cost to make the situation a little better; it is a cost to make the situation worse. I agree with iiwn - this a claim to the land - the taxpayer here is coughing up to increase the Islamification of this country. I guess that's LibLabCon for you.
It won't be long before Harriet Harmthem is suggesting that Brits be cremated at birth, problem solved. They've already presided over 6 Million abortions in this country and are proposing to sterilise British schoolgirls.
Yet these Commie one-worlders tell us we are desperate for more people in this country.
So I suppose Incineration at Birth will be the Next Logical step.
Another case of the religion of hate not being compatible in OUR COUNTRY, GREAT BRITAIN. It is surely time to BAN this religion from OUR country and ensure that those that do live here from other roots, live the British way, a case of “when in Rome Do as the Romans do”.
It is a national and shocking disgrace, in fact it is another obvious form of open discrimination/racism against indigenous british people if the councils are saying WHITE BRITISH people have to be cremated and foreign nationals can be buried in our own land.
What would the media have to say if we said only proper British people can have something and not muslims? … as per normal there would be murder, yet when its against us there is nothing but silence.
This is only the surface of all the crap that goes on in this god forsaken land of ours.
….. It certainly is only the tip of the iceberg, LL. Let's take the fight to them - I urge everybody to contact their Councils and, using the Freedom of Information Act, ask how many schools under their authority are being supplied with halal meat and for a list of those schools. Leaflets should then be produced and handed out to the parents at those schools' gates.. -Ed
@ Royalcraig
How can they say they want to sterilise schoolgirls??? How many laws will that break? Freedom of choice, right to bear children, right to have a family … all strictly protected undr the ECHR legislation!!!!
Oh sorry, I forgot, it's only a breach of ECHR if you're an ethnic minority. Is OK to persecute and ethnically cleanse your own people if they are a majority.
I can see suicide-bombing morons being hailed as heroes by other morons, and their grave sites being turned into sacred shrines for yet more morons to visit and swear allegiance to the Way of the Binary Explosive.
Isn't this link wonderful news. Don't you think he should come over to the UK and bring his exxxxxxtended family to live on benefits???
I'm going to lie down now in a dark quiet room as I don't think I can take much more…. :-)
They, Muslims, may perceive their religious burial rites to be some sort of claim to non-Muslim lands, but in reality no such claim or grounds for such a claim exists. Theirs is merely a self-proclaimed presumption without legitimacy, born out of their invented belief system which decrees unfounded automatic jurisdiction over the lands and lives of non-Muslims.
Claim to territory is by ancestry, lineage, heritage, language, belief, culture and traditions, not merely by place of birth and/or place of burial.
We must remember, Third World non-whites are colonisers - they are not natives of our lands and never will be, nor are they entitled to what are politically concocted human rights enacted and implemented by treasonist and corrupt native governments.
Take the Bosnian Muslim example of false claim to territory, for instance
and likewise, on a global level,
The BNP haven't covered this one yet: The proposed Tameside super mosque requires the re siting of our War Graves and is being pushed by Tameside Council - not too publically since the BNP averaged 22% in local council elections.
Noted, thanks - Ed
This is beyond belief! This is yet another incident which shows how much we need to get behind the one and only true “British” Party!
If the Muslim community wants strictly adhered to Muslim funerals in our country, then they pay for them!
Welcome aboard, British_Andy - Ed
Well I hope Derby BNP are putting this story on a leaflet and disributing it around the whole of Derby. This is what you get for voting Labour! They bend over backwards to appease the Islamic invaders!
Another example of “We must have our own Way” and you can pay.
Let us hope that the BNP in Derby can step up the recruiting!
Better still why not organise a big Leaflet Drop in Derby for the next By Election!
Forward and Convert People to the BNP.
Is criticism of Islam ‘hate speech'? The UN has certainly said so.
It is ok for Islamic leaders to call for the destruction of Israel, and the US. and cast all kinds of demeaning rhetoric at western culture and anybody who opposes their ideology. Yet we are expected to respect their culture and religion.
Here in the UK and elsewhere in Europe we bend over backwards to accommodate them. Yet we are treated like animals and insulted. I refuse to act as if I am inferior. If anybody has a problem with that …
Leicester City Council gave the Muslim burial council of Leicester a grant of almost £60k in the last year to assist with “out of hour Muslim burials”
Perhaps you might want to mention this in the article, a web link for the freedom of information request
The 2nd point on the request refer to a grant of £35,000.
Noted, thanks - Ed
For what reason do they not fund their own burials?
Actually now I've thought about it, this isn't a bad idea. Anything that encourages these money and power-obsessed muppets to pursue their dreams of virgins in the afterlife has to be a good thing!
What about the £4,500 cheques from the DHSS for cars instead of giving them Taxi fares. I have a full vocabulary, none of you would appreciate it on this site ;-)
£70 million of your taxes are to be paid to consultants and hot-air merchants to tackle extremism. But nowhere is there any mention of what kind of extremism they're supposed to be couteracting. My guess is it's those raving rioting Methodists:
Good link. Passed on. Many thanks, Artorius - Ed
So fuming I'm self-incinerating! Why a concrete or brick-lined vault? What's wrong with a common or garden grave like the rest of us? Did Mohammed specify that? I didn't think they'd been invented by Arab nomads in the seventh century AD; surely they must mean dried camel dung. Are they perhaps bomb shelters to protect them from suicide bombers having a blast with their 72 virgins? And how do we stop families from celebrating around the martyrs' graves, like they did in Pakistan on 7 July? What if a husband wants to be buried beside his 4 (or 86) wives? Does he get two semi-detached knocked-through vaults?
I think we can assume that the Muslim community will be very peeved by the suggestion that they might have to pay their own way. But, as they shortchange us all through their lives, do they really have to go on doing it when they're dead? Perhaps they'll be given eco-grave plots on the outskirts of their eco-towns on our Green Belt? Why can't they all cram into one grave, like they do into our houses?
What are people doing sending their relations to Muslim-run care homes? - surely a contradiction in terms since they couln't care less for kuffar. Even Muslim doctors swear a Hypocritic Oath that doesn't extend to the likes of us.
Erinmore, couldn't agree more. We've been here for tens of thousands of years. I wish the poet who wrote a few months back about the numbers of British dead who lie buried in our land, composing the loam from which our corn grows to make our bread, would repost his/her poem. It was a really good one.
East London is practically all one sacred war grave seeing how many thousands of people were killed there during the Blitz. They religiously preserve the remains of Auschwitz, so why shouldn't we preserve the history of our losses? We only got a sculpture of a dove after 20 years of campaigning by the local communities:
There - sorry to vent at such length but my gasket couldn't take any more.
Muslims quote and take encouragement from dhimmis
So yet again the muslims are angry.
Anyone else has to pay the entire cost of their funeral - yet muslims impose a dhimmi tax on the rest of us to subsidise their burials. And they are angry when someone points this out. This country is a madhouse.
Think about it. Each muslim male that goes to heaven gets 72 virgins. Only muslims (according to muslims)can go to heaven so they must be muslim virgins. That means that for every 74 female muslim virgins in heaven their is only one muslim male. Take out the elderly and under age. That means that each eligible muslim male must be predeceased by about 150 muslim females.
But as not every female goes to heaven (say 50%) then that halves the ratio of males again. At a guess therefore only about one in 300 muslim males goes to heaven.
Sounds about right to me.
You do seem to have detected an inherent flaw in the programme - Ed
Muslim repeatedly rapes Christian boy.
£70 Million to tackle Extremism, another telling fact, at whom will this money be directed, at the BNP and their supporters,
Who is it that carries out most of the crime in this once ordered country of ours that requires £70 Million pounds spending on it?
God I hate these lying scumbag, genocidal, traitorous politicians. They will stop at nothing to have us wiped out so they can set up their EU Empire.
Quote: “If we want to remind ourselves of British values - hospitality, tolerance and generosity to name just three - there are plenty of British Muslims ready to show us what those things really mean” - David Cameron
Tory supporters are voting for Dhimmitude.
My local cemetery is also filling up fast and has a massive Chinese section and another devoted entirely to Asians,the local council reckons they will have to close it in about seven years for lack of space. The next one is miles away and would mean a long journey for anyone visiting their deceased loved ones. I realize that all cemeteries will fill up one day that's obvious but if it wasn't for all these foreign graves our local one would have very many years of use before closing. Their taking our housing, our jobs, our handouts and now our grave spaces, poor old Britannia must be weeping buckets.
I still get letters from Wrexham council five years after my father died because he owed rent to the end of the month which was three weeks after he died.
My own local council stopped my own housing benefit until I proved that his life insurance payout was spent entirely on his funeral. Not only did it pay for his funeral there was in fact a shortfall of £810 which I had to find myself.
It's not concrete their graves need lining with Oink Oink !!
Not even in death, in our own country, are we equal.
So muslims were not asked for their views? Sooo sad.