We are pleased to announce, that for services rendered, Cuckold Tom Legg, formerly of MI5 Dirty Tricks Department, will henceforth be known as Lord Legg of Bilderberg de Beers. We would ask the great British public to let Cock Robin get on with the job. He now has a supply of Viagra and has stopped smoking in order to project himself better on the world stage. Signed Tony the Windbag.

The Windbag will emphatically deny that his visit to the Seychelles during the wet season at Christmas or his stopover in an African state had anything to do with the supply of arms to the corrupt leader of Sierra Leone. If the public demands it he will have a public enquiry into his finances including the massive profit on the sale of his house in Islington. John Prescott was cleared within days of any impropriety in Hull and Geoffrey Robinson was given a clean bill of health. We do not suspect for one moment that Windbag has been involved in any shady deals. He is honesty personified.



We publish this because it is already in the public domain, because it is in the public interest and because no judge can order the suppression of things said and done in open court unless there are compelling reasons for doing so. Nobody can be committed to prison for contempt of court following a hearing in chambers especially when a Mackenzie Friend is ordered from the secret court.

Lew Foley, a flamboyant litigant in person, was arrested at 5 a.m. last Saturday at his home in Smethwick by the notorious West Midlands Police. He was charged with threatening to kill a judge in Leeds Crown Court and with contempt of court. The judge was hearing a conspiracy case against a solicitor and others. Lew had a great deal of respect for the solicitor and had attended the hearings. The judge advised him that he could attend the court with the veiled threat that he had better watch his step. Lew was so outraged by the manner in which the proceedings were being conducted that he telephoned the court and said that the proceedings were corrupt and that he was prepared to do a life sentence before he would let them away with how they were handling the conspiracy case.

Lew was transferred from Smethwick to Rotherham police station presumably to conceal his whereabouts from his associates. Norman Scarth, another LIP and Mackenzie Friend, learned that Lew was due to appear before the judge, Judge Walsh, at 10 a.m. on 27 July 1998. Norman attended the hearing but was ordered out by the judge even after Norman had quoted Lord Woolf's dictum that hearings, wherever possible, should be in open court. Lew's name was not listed and Norman could not locate him until eventually, hours later, he was allowed to speak to him. Lew had been sneaked into Judge Walsh's court where the brave judge decided that Lew should go before another judge, Judge Potts, and answer for his contempt of court. Judge Potts opened the hearing by stating "This hearing is in open court so that no one will think that things are going on behind closed doors". Potts continued and warned in emphatic terms that no one must publish a single word about what happened at the hearing or the publisher would be held to be in contempt of court with the dire consequences that would follow from that.

Potts listened to the recording of two telephone calls made by Lew. Potts said (approximately) "I am concerned only with the contempt of court and I have heard no evidence of that. Regarding the threat to kill, that is a matter for the Magistrates Court." Lew was told that he was free to go on the contempt charge and further action was a matter for the police. The policeman holding Lew was a witness in the conspiracy case. All charges against Lew were dropped presumably so as not to focus attention on what was happening in the conspiracy case.

We have to pay tribute to Norman Scarth, a 73 year-old veteran of the Murmansk run during the last war. He has repeatedly risked imprisonment on behalf of his fellow citizens and has been the victim of repeated miscarriages of justice in his own cases. Would that there was a few more Norman Scarths ready to do battle with corrupt judges.

Lord Woolf must be regretting his brave statement about hearings in open court.



See article by the City Editor of the Observer front page, 26 July 1998.

<<Sir Clive Thompson, the outspoken new president of the Confederation of British Industry, has enjoyed a fourfold rise in the value of his pay and share options in the past year, the Observer can reveal……….Last week Thompson, who is chief executive of Rentokill, the pest control group, warned Labour over meddling with executive pay. The right-winger also raised hackles by opposing fair employment rights and trade union recognition. He said the minimum wage would wipe £10m off the £417m profit made by Rentokill, whose 80,000 UK employees are among the lowest-paid of any FTSE 100 company………..According to an Observer analysis, however, the value of his pay and options package has risen from £2.8m to £11.5m in the past year - an overall 309 per cent increase……….The rules do not yet apply to executive option schemes. If the loophole were blocked Thompson's options would reduce Rentokill's profits by £10m - enough to cover the cost of paying the minimum wage to the 10,000 employees who earn less than that.>>

Comment:- It would appear that Rentokill is charging the public too much for its products just as importers, especially supermarkets, are not passing on the reduced prices arising from the strong pound. This leads to pressure for wage increases further undermining our competitive edge and to inflation and recession. What the government is saying to the fat cats is "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may but we will have to curb your excesses before the next election. By that time you will all be multimillionaires and will be able to enjoy a good lifestyle on the interest from your capital." Note how the lobbyists introduced Tescos to John Prescott. Tesco made a substantial contribution to the Millennium Dome. John then did an about-turn on the supermarket car parks levy. Last week John, who believes in people power, allowed Tesco planning permission for a supermarket in Gerrards Cross in spite of complete opposition to it by the local populace. We will never know whether Tescos sent any money to the Seychelles because that would be classified an official secret.



From Suzon Forscey-Moore of the Campaign for A Fair Hearing.(See above) Dated 31 July 1998

<<Tamsin Allen (Today's Guardian) sets out in depressing detail the resistance of our legal system to putting things right. Our politicians use the language of democracy and our judges use the language of justice, but how well do they understand or respect the fundamental principles underpinning these concepts? Their desire to be seen as never making mistakes is itself a grave error, costly to the admirable Bentley family and countless others.

If we replaced the office of Lord Chancellor (since he protects the unwarranted privileges of both Parliament and the judiciary, he serves no useful purpose) with an elected Procedural Complaints Court, our society would be transformed. The culture of cover up would wither away. The disincentives for a written constitution would vanish.

The last government recognised that an independent body was needed to sort out the embarrassing number of miscarriages of justice on the criminal side. The government should acknowledge that the principle applies to the civil division as well. An elected court to scrutinise judicial misconduct would be a money-saving improvement to public life. Yours sincerely, Suzon Forscey-Moore>>

Comment:- We would imagine that a "D Notice" applies to all Suzon's writings and that her e-mails, faxes and telephone calls are monitored. How can the Criminal Cases Review Commission be independent when its chairman is a member of the highest degree in Freemasonry? We require a volunteer to start a newspaper or magazine dedicated to cleaning up parliament and the judiciary. There is little point in blaming the accident-prone Cardinal for everything when he should be taking orders from Windbag Blair.

Another example of the Bentley case was overlooked. There was an outcry both inside and outside parliament against the execution. The Home Secretary accelerated the hanging process to thwart members of parliament. The callous cruelty exhibited to Bentley and his relatives by Lord Goddard is widespread in judges today. This cruelty is simply the manifestation of the Masonic attitude to "the profane". We are the worms to be squashed by the judicial jackboot. The bastards!


From Marissa Sarda De Waite phone/fax 01926 633462 (next page)


I am in a state of post syncopal shock after hearing that former Spanish Socialist Minister of the Interior, Jose Barrionueva, has been complaining bitterly to the media that he did not get a "fair hearing". He added "It is the right of every citizen under our constitution to have a fair trial".

Why is it that politicians become concerned about miscarriages of justice only when these affect them? My experiences are such that I look forward to the day when we, in the UK, can enjoy the democracy that Jose claims as a right in Spain. I hope to witness Lord Irvine standing in the dock to answer the charge that he fomented judicial malpractice by secretly briefing judges in a conspiracy to defraud members of the public. Marissa Sarda De Waite.>>

Comment:- Marissa was born in Spain and married an Englishman who appears to enjoy certain privileges in the Courts. She has been treated with disdain by judges. Recently she appeared before one who was courtesy itself. "I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts." It looks as if her case is now being rushed to prevent her obtaining documents under discovery in time for her trial. Here again, in Marisa's case, there is an abuse of the Legal Aid system. She is a litigant in person for the usual reason. Solicitors are the only winners in divorce cases. To them misery makes money. Happiness is a dirty word.

At least in Spain and in Italy corrupt politicians are tried and jailed. This will not happen in the UK. The classic example was Harold Wilson's intervention to prevent the prosecution of Lord Boothby and Tom Driberg who were buggaring young men forced into their service by the Kray twins. This also meant that police action against the Krays was delayed. There is a symbiotic relationship between the judges and the politicians giving them absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.



New judges are supposed to make a declaration that they are or are not Masons. Three judges have just been appointed Law Lords and there must have been a good number appointed in the lower grades. Where can we find the published list?

The Cardinal's latest wheeze is a requirement for judges to declare whether they are Masons or not Masons and whether they refuse to answer the question. Again a list is to be published but we would like to know how long the Cardinal has allowed the judges to answer and when and where a list will be published. Will it be one year or ten years?

We feel that judges should be asked to state whether they are Lloyd's Names. Many of the civil miscarriages of justice arise from the involvement of Lloyd's Names who are also judges and who should recuse themselves. For example we mentioned how Lord Millett found against Bydand Limited in a claim against Buckinghamshire County Council. The Council had insurance cover. Lloyd's Name judges are bound to stick together to protect their financial interests. Nearly every business and profession takes out insurance against claims and the insurance is invariably underwritten at Lloyds. The latest judge who heard a case involving Royston Leicester against a fraudulent Lloyd's syndicate is Mr Justice Tuckey. Mr Leicester has been in communication with Tuckey who is running scared. Yet the Cardinal has Tuckey lined up for promotion to the Court of Appeal.

If judges have to declare their affiliations in this way surely members of parliament should be under compulsion to do likewise. Female MPs should state whether they are members of the Eastern Star and whether they are Lloyd's Names.

There is a strong case for proscribing Freemasonry for all who hold public office.



Remember him? He was chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life. He sought the headlines by saying that he would be tackling Freemasonry and corruption in local authorities then backed off. Now we find he has been given another extra-judicial job, which probably pays him a fat salary for signing his name once a year. He publishes figures for telephone taps amounting to around 1,250 in 1998. Blair's spin-doctors would require about that number for all the MPs and their secretaries. Blair probably has his mother's telephone tapped so that his spin-doctors can put a proper spin on any innocent remarks she makes. She might say, "Our Tone worried a lot about his adenoidal block because he had aspirations to becoming a singer guitarist." Alister Campbell would counter that with "Our super Prime Minister had his adenoids cut back years ago and is now able to enjoy the foul stench that emanates from the likes of John Tesco Prescott, Cardinal Wham Bang Irvine, Cock Robin Cook, Cuckold Dewar and the homosexuals in the Cabinet Office".

Read "Inside the Brotherhood" and you will find that a Masonic approach to the BT Chairman's office, will get you as many telephone taps as you want.



Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel/Fax 01494 871204. E-mail < >