This is a start to the formation a group of people who are aware of the evils of Freemasonry and of the Bilderberg Council. Membership will be open to all including Jews, Muslims, blacks, whites and green and shades in between, provided they are not Masons. For those who are vulnerable and who wish to remain anonymous we suggest that you use a pseudonym or request confidentiality. The name of the party will probably change. Its aim is to restore democracy by cleaning up Parliament and the legal system.

Founder members should let us have their names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and E-mail addresses where applicable and state whether they wish their memberships to be kept secret. Write to Paul Jones, PO Box 142, Amersham HP8 4TB or fax or E-mail us.


Letter 1: From J H Wilson, Clerk to the Justices, Huddersfield Magistrates Court (5 October 1998 Fax 01482 430085) to Norman Scarth (ph/fax 0113 262 0449).

####Dear Sir, Re: Misconduct in Public Office.

Thank you for your letter and accompanying affidavit concerning the issue of process for offences of Misconduct in Public Office. I apologise for the delay in responding to your letter but the area of law needed careful research since its occurrence is rare and unfortunately the member of my staff detailed to do this has been on leave.

Your application was placed before a Justice of the Peace on 2nd October, 1998 and duly considered bearing in mind legal issues and the content of the documents supplied and at this time your application has been refused. Yours faithfully, Michael J H Wilson Clerk to the Justices. ####

Comment: This is what is known as a piss-taking letter. No name for the JP. No judgement issued. No advance notice to Mr Scarth. No indication that the judgement can be appealed. No proof that the hearing had even taken place. No indication that this is a final judgement by the JP ("at this time").

Norman Scarth is 73 years old and served on the Murmansk run during World War Two. He has had a successful application before the European Court of Human Rights concerning the unlawful practice of UK courts having hearings in chambers with members of the public excluded. Here we have a JP who knows little about law determining a case that, on the Clerk's admission, is complex. Mr Scarth could not put his case verbally because he was presented with a fait accompli. This calls for intervention by the Lord Chancellor whose department probably dictated the course of this action. These perversions of law will continue until the office of Lord Chancellor is abolished.

Letter 2: In order to protect the writer of this letter we omit anything that might identify him or her. It is dated 6 October 1998.

####Dear Sir,

I have recently been involved in a dispute about admission to a state school for my 16-year-old daughter who had attended the school for three years previously. I won't bore you with the details. By accident we discovered that the headmaster was a member of the local Masonic lodge. Two sets of parents of two other children were members of the same lodge. Their two children who have lower qualifications than my daughter were admitted to the sixth form.

My "admissions appeal" was heard by three governors. They humiliated and ridiculed me. Masons have a wide influence in the area. This and my treatment by the three governors cause me to suspect that they too were Masons. How can I find out if they are Masons?

Masons have always had their own schools and they have always had influence in the private sector of education. It appears that their influence spreads into the state sector.

Your help and comments would be appreciated. The school is in (censored) in (censored).

Regards, (Censored)####

Our reply: We advised our correspondent to be careful about criticising Freemasonry lest he or she found him/herself homeless and jobless. The three governors were probably Masons but could equally have been three human beings subject to pressure from the Masons. Often non-Masons are the most harmful individuals because after committing offences they are completely dominated by Masons.

Letter 3: From David Fisher, 4 Bridge Street, Hemel Hempstead, Bucks. HP1 1EF (Ph. 01442 260329) to Greg Comninos, District Auditor for Dacorum Borough Council, Deloitte & Touche, Verulam Point, Station Way, St Albans, Herts. AL1 5HE (5 October 1998)

####Dear Mr Comninos,

I am writing to you in my capacity as Hon Secretary of the Dacorum Action Group.

Pursuant to Local Government Finance Act 1982, Section 17 (3) members of our group who are local electors wish to attend before you, with an accountant if available, to make objections to the accounts of Dacorum Borough Council.

The grounds for the objections are broadly:

According to the agenda of the Audit Sub-Committee of 21 September 1998, and of the Policy Committee of 22 September, Dacorum Borough Council has reserves of £12.469 million, £3.9 million of which 'should be spent soon'.

Council taxes were raised substantially not long ago. (I believe by about 23%.)

In such circumstances Dacorum Council taxpayers cannot possibly be obtaining value for money. It is your duty to ensure that they do obtain such value.

In accordance with Section 17 (5) of the above Act, a copy of this letter is being sent to Dacorum Borough Council, Yours sincerely, David Fisher BA (Hons) Oxon.####

Comment: See earlier references to corruption in Westminster City Council, Buckinghamshire County Council, Chiltern District Council and Dacorum Borough Council. Deloitte &Touche administer all four councils. Recently D & T have been foisted upon Luton Council. It is about time the Audit Commission was investigated along with all councils whose accounts are audited by D & T. Note that Mr Fisher is an honours graduate of Oxford University. Freemasonry is involved in three of the councils and probably in all the councils. The Westminster investigation was a farce. It took years. No attempt was made to obtain a Mareva injunction. The proceedings would not have been commenced if a local doctor had not been outraged by the behaviour of Porter and her associates. There is still no end in sight. Some council officers who were involved are still employed by the council. Replacement officers are still covering up.

Letters 4:- To Geoffrey Scriven (fax 0161 428 1159) from

  1. From the Clerk to the Justices at Warrington Magistrates Court (D C Swift) 16 September 1998.
  2. ####I acknowledge receipt of your letter of 9th September 1998.

    Because it would be improper for me to deal with an application in respect of myself, I have passed it to the Clerk to the Justices, Chester Magistrates Court for action.####

  3. From the Clerk to the Justices at Chester Magistrates Court (S Walsh) 7 October 1998.


I refer to Mr Swift's letter to you dated 16th September 1998. I have arranged for you to lay your information before a stipendiary magistrate sitting at the Law Courts, 32 Park Green, Macclesfield on 29 October 1998. Your letter dated 9th September will be in court on that day. If you have any other material that you wish the stipendiary magistrate to consider, you should bring it with you.

Please arrive at the Law Courts at 9.45 a.m. and make yourself known to the usher on duty.####

Comment:- You will recall that Mr Scriven is suing the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls and senior Law Lord Goff. Time and again we have found that, in cases like this, other authorities like the police take malicious action. Mr Scriven was charged with causing criminal damage to the value of £2 increased to £5 by the desk sergeant because he felt that would make a better case. There was not a shadow of doubt that Mr Scriven did not act with intent and was not guilty. He was found guilty after "irregularities" that give rise to this private prosecution. It would be improper for us to anticipate the outcome other than to say that Mr Scriven would have a much better chance of success if he were a High Court judge charged with a massive fraud. Our advice to Mr Scriven is to get hold of a Masonic psychiatrist to report to the Attorney General that he (Mr Scriven) is suffering from a mental disorder which could result in suicide if he does not put the offenders behind bars. The AG can then arrange for the Lord Chancellor to secretly brief the court to get the desired result. When will the British public waken up? Politicians like the AG and the LC should not be able to influence the decisions of a court. They are in bribe-prone positions.


Dexion International decided to use a domestic dwelling in a domestic area, in the Dacorum Borough Council catchment area, as a base for its workforce. There were twenty workers and seven vans operating from the house. The Dacorum Helpline ignored all complaints for fifteen months until the local MP raised the matter.

Enforcement officer, David Noble, stated "where the business use becomes dominant or intrusive, planning permission is required and may be refused" and "a material change of use is indicated where the business generates visitors, traffic, noise or fumes over and above what might be expected if the property were in use as a single family dwelling." The council, dominated by Masons (see earlier reports), decided against enforcement proceedings.

Complaints were made to the L G Ombudsman who was provided with photographic evidence. He did not visit the site. He found the council not guilty of wilful malpractice.

After further complaints the bent Ombudsman reopened the case and informed a complainant "You have not received from us the service you are entitled to expect". Again the bent Ombudsman found in favour of the corrupt council.

Four years later the Ombudsmen sought site notes and found that the officers had lied to him. Claimed visits to the site that had not in fact been made. Again the bent Ombudsman found in favour of the Council and refused to explain his decision. The Ombudsman's Annual Report listed a number of examples of maladministration in the case.

Comment:- Ombudsmen generally are the most despicable of creatures. We, the British, thought it a wonderful idea to follow the Scandinavian example where honourable men and women would arrive at just conclusions without fear or favour. UK Ombudsmen are the complete antithesis of that. Ombudsmen are the scum on a cesspool of institutionalised corruption. What was the name of this crook? It must have been F G Laws, E B C Osmotherly or Jerry "Pisspot" White. All three were tarred with the same brush and let Chiltern District Council away with murder. The Pisspot had a direct line to the United Grand Lodge.


Surgeon James Wishart was struck off because of the well above average number of deaths following his heart surgery on infants. Other infants were left brain-damaged and will require care for the rest of their lives. The man who first blew the whistle and was ignored was Doctor Stephen Boisin. He was "frozen out" by the NHS and now works in Australia. He believes that Freemasonry was responsible for Wishart being allowed to continue killing for years and for freezing him out. The NHS unit was awash with Masons. It was Stephen Knight who said that, in order to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, one had to be a Mason first. We earlier reported how South African surgeon Philip Raby Walbaum attempted to kill a patient in an Edinburgh hospital to stop legal proceedings involving the Mobil Oil Company and the late Lord Morton of Shuna. Morton was Hugh Morton, a solicitor with Biggart Lumsden of Glasgow and chairman of a Glasgow Labour constituency party. Had Morton not died he would have been Lord Chancellor instead of the Cardinal. Health Minister Frank Dobson has ordered an enquiry and promises drastic action if it is shown that Freemasonry protected Wishart. The Labour Party will never take effective action against Masons anywhere because Masons dominate it. Where are all the lists giving names of Masonic judges and policemen? If the names are not made public what is the point in listing them? The Lord Chancellor has just announced that, out of 5,400 judges, only 200 have admitted to being Masons and 50 have refused to confirm or deny membership. Nice round figures! What about the remaining 5,150 judges? Assuming that 10 per cent are females we would say that 89 per cent are Masons. We are expected to believe that exactly 200 admitted guilt and exactly 50 did not.


This week we have no space for these items. We report again that Dame Barbara Mills, Director of Public Prosecutions, has done nothing about the perjury of East Devon District Council officers. The failure of the CPS to prosecute is effectively compounding a felony that could render Mr Michael Coughlin homeless.

Can we appeal to the six men who are being harassed and denied their rights to break down their stories and send as a number of short items.


Will Mrs Joan Craig please tell us how the police first framed her son and how, as a litigant in person, when she sought to tax the bill of costs she was informed that she had Legal Aid? How can a litigant in person have a Legal Aid Certificate when she is her own solicitor? Legal Aid Fraud!

Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031 E-mail <